Secret mentors…your secret advantage

Getting support for your ambitions

Sometimes It can feel frustrating to move your career forward.

Companies will tell you that there are no raises or promotional opportunities to be had, or that it’s a bad time to be asking, or that you are not ready…

And then they keep piling work and increased responsibility on you

— and expecting you to do more and more — with no change in your status or compensation. Read More

The most annoying interview question

guard dog

I have been getting a lot of questions lately from people interviewing for jobs, and almost 100% of the time people ask for advice on dealing with this question:

“What is your biggest weakness?”

I’ll start out by saying that I hate this question… Everyone hates this question. Read More

Protecting Your Sanity at Work

“Who are your enemies?”

I have been asked that interview question for my whole life as I was growing my career.

I am recalling being in my twenties, sitting across the table from a grizzly and embittered executive who would ask me, “Who are your enemies?” Read More

Protect your time: And don’t feel guilty

Last week I wrote about being more strategic by giving yourself time to think — in fact, scheduling time to think.

And I emphasized the fact that if you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.

But the reality is, even if you do schedule this time, it can still be hard to make it happen. Read More

The ONE reason to leave a job

This is a short blog, with an important point:

When and why should you leave a job?

Caveat: This is advice for someone who is wanting to advance their career.

If you are happy in your job and you don’t care about advancement, good for you! Read More

“You’re too nice to be an executive”

Over the past few months, I have been speaking and working with a number of women’s leadership networks and groups.

One of the questions that comes up at virtually every one is this:

“I keep getting told that I am too nice.

Read More

Are you holding yourself back without knowing it?


Those of you who are members of my Executive Mentoring Group might have noticed that I sign off the weekly challenge emails with the word, “Avanti!”

I’d like to take a minute to explain this because I love this word for a number of reasons. Read More

Exciting news from Patty…

NEW: Patty’s Executive Mentoring Group

I wanted to use the blog this week to share with you the exciting news that I am launching my new Executive Mentoring Group.

This is an extension to the membership program that so many of you have participated in over the past 10 years. Read More

Reclaiming Humanity at Work: It's here!

I’m happy to announce that my TEDx talk can now be viewed online!

“Who are your enemies?”

I have been asked that interview question for my whole life as I was growing my career.

I am recalling being in my twenties, sitting across the table from a grizzly and embittered executive who would ask me, “Who are your enemies?” Read More

Building Personal Brand Value and Recognition

This month’s Professional Development webinar was on the topic of Personal Brand and Recognition.

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If you are wanting to get the opportunities and recognition you deserve get this webinar

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build your credibility
  • Stand out more
  • Get the recognition and opportunities you deserve
  • Position yourself to win the job you want

Get the webinar

If you missed it you can download the recording. Read More