Standing out while working remotely

I am noticing something interesting in the pandemic about communicating.

There is great disparity between how various people show up to meetings on video conferences.

Before the pandemic I wrote an article about increasing your effectiveness while working remotely and included the video below. Read More

Becoming a more compelling speaker

Reflecting on my own career, it struck me what an advantage it was that I was a willing and decent speaker.

I have noticed in watching others’ careers too, that the ability to share your ideas in a compelling way is one of the key enablers for people to stand out, get promoted, get their projects supported, and to be effective leaders in general. Read More

How not to talk too much when you are nervous

You can actually get these “stop talking” cards here.

Yes or NO?

Earlier in my career, when I was faced with a scary executive and I got nervous, I would find myself talking way too much. Read More

The difference between politics and communicating

“I don’t do politics”

Many people over the years have told me something like, “I refuse to engage in politics”, and they give this as a reason why their career has stalled.

They consider “politics” a necessary evil to advance in one’s career, but refuse to engage asserting that their “no politics” position is on the high ground, so they are sticking with it. Read More

The first 30 days (Starting a job remotely)

Starting in a New Role…

A question that frequently comes up in my Executive Mentoring Group is, “I’m starting a new job. What do you recommend that I do in the first 30 days to set myself up for success?”

That question has been expanded recently to include, “And how do I get started and make effective connections and good impressions when we are all working remotely?” Read More

The key to be more impressive…Stop trying

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

How camera-ready do you need to be?

I did a webinar earlier this week on Remote Working Strategies. There’s a link below if you are interested in the replay.

In that webinar I shared this picture above showing me in 3 different stages of camera ready or not. Read More

4 keys to making a good impression

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

More Reasons to Turn Your Camera On

My recent blog post, Get Over It. Turn Your Camera On drew so much feedback and so many comments that I wanted to take an opportunity to follow up.

The world seems to be split into two groups on this:

1. Read More

Optimizing Your Online Presence

What is your positive online footprint?

The topic of how you appear online when people do a search came up in one of the recent member discussions in my Executive Mentoring Group.

It was an interesting conversation that quickly went from preventing risk by not posting “unflattering” stuff to…

“What can and should you be proactively posting to your benefit… to create a positive impression?”

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