Standing out while working remotely

I am noticing something interesting in the pandemic about communicating.

There is great disparity between how various people show up to meetings on video conferences.

Before the pandemic I wrote an article about increasing your effectiveness while working remotely and included the video below. Read More

How to Craft a Productive Think Break

One of the most important things we can all do as business leaders is give ourselves time to think.

Scheduling time to think in your work week (and life in general) is vital to your success and sanity — and to your creativity and effectiveness. Read More

What exactly is Executive Presence?

People often ask me about the term Executive Presence. What is it? Does everyone need it? Or do you need it only if you are an executive? What if you are not an executive? Is it something different then? Read More

The Big Mistake I Made about Listening

But I thought I was a good listener!

Fairly deep into my career I did one of those 360 evaluations where people above, below and around you in the organization fill out a long questionnaire about how they perceive you. Read More

The key to be more impressive…Stop trying

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

10 Ways to Make Employees Feel Important

A Note on Good vs. Bad Leaders

I don’t think it’s any secret that I believe good leaders bring a sense of humanity into the workplace. In fact this was the topic of my TEDx talk. Read More

Move Audiobook & Chance to get 1-1 Coaching Session With Me

MOVE Audiobook

I am thrilled to announce that MOVE is finally available for preorder on Audible.

In celebration of the release, I am offering a chance to win a 1-1 coaching session with me for pre-ordering your copy. Read More

Remote working: How not to lose the in-person benefit

When everyone is working remotely

Suddenly, like it or not, we have all been thrown into remote working.

And there is a natural concern that we will not be as effective.

One of the big aha’s for me about remote working that I learned over the past several years, is that…

You don’t have to give up on quality, motivation, productivity, and team-y-ness, just because you are not in the same room.

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How camera-ready do you need to be?

I did a webinar earlier this week on Remote Working Strategies. There’s a link below if you are interested in the replay.

In that webinar I shared this picture above showing me in 3 different stages of camera ready or not. Read More

Am I Productive Enough? (spoiler alert, don’t worry about it so much)


Feeling Discouraged, Stuck, Lazy?

While we are all at home, there are lots of new kinds of pressures we face about doing it right. What should we be doing with our days?

How do we be productive, take care of kids, home schooling, remote working? Read More