The best approach for an executive sales conversation

executive sales

The conversation

During one of the member coaching hours of my professional development program, someone asked me how to improve the way to have conversations with executive customers.

I recalled a common situation that occurred when I was a technology executive and sales people would bring me into their clients as the “visiting dignitary”. Read More

The non-secret to revenue growth and innovation

This month’s webinar was on Optimizing Revenue Growth and Innovation.

I was joined by business and sales strategy expert, Resa Pearson who talked about how to grow sales, and fuel innovation by involving your best sales people. Read More

Steal from the best sales people

steal from sales

Sales makes you smart

The time I spent in sales made me much smarter and much better at my roles in Marketing, Product Development and General Management.

There’s nothing quite like a customer locking you in a room, (literally), because the product is not doing what you said it would, and they won’t let you out until it works…This actually happened to me twice in my career. Read More