More Energy. Less Stress.

Working from home, it’s easy to fill up every moment of your day doing something for everyone except yourself.

This month the topic in my Executive Mentoring Group is: More Energy. Less Stress.

This topic has come up a lot lately! Read More

Selling Your Ideas: Have More Influence

This month the topic in my Executive Mentoring Group is: Selling Your ideas.

In my own career, as well as in observing the careers of others, I have found that the ability to communicate your ideas well matters a lot to standing out, getting promoted, and getting access to resources. Read More

Confidence and Resilience

This month the topic in my Executive Mentoring Group is: Confidence and Resilience.

I’ll tell you, this was a key journey in my own career.

I needed to find a way to keep showing up when the environment was unwelcoming, and as I struggled with imposter syndrome. Read More

How not to talk too much when you are nervous

You can actually get these “stop talking” cards here.

Yes or NO?

Earlier in my career, when I was faced with a scary executive and I got nervous, I would find myself talking way too much. Read More

The difference between politics and communicating

“I don’t do politics”

Many people over the years have told me something like, “I refuse to engage in politics”, and they give this as a reason why their career has stalled.

They consider “politics” a necessary evil to advance in one’s career, but refuse to engage asserting that their “no politics” position is on the high ground, so they are sticking with it. Read More

The first 30 days (Starting a job remotely)

Starting in a New Role…

A question that frequently comes up in my Executive Mentoring Group is, “I’m starting a new job. What do you recommend that I do in the first 30 days to set myself up for success?”

That question has been expanded recently to include, “And how do I get started and make effective connections and good impressions when we are all working remotely?” Read More

The key to be more impressive…Stop trying

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

4 keys to making a good impression

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

10 Reasons to Think About Your Personal Brand

You already have a personal brand

You have a Personal Brand right now whether you know it or not.

You have a Personal Brand right now whether or not it’s something that you care about.

You have a Personal Brand right now even if you think this idea is stupid. Read More

When someone steals your ideas

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

I was recently in India giving a keynote presentation for a group of women leaders.

One of the questions that came up was, “What do you do when you are the only woman in the room, and you contribute an idea and no one pays attention…

“…then 10 minutes later someone else says the exact same thing, and everyone responds as though it’s brilliant, and he gets credit for the idea?”

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