Becoming a more compelling speaker

Reflecting on my own career, it struck me what an advantage it was that I was a willing and decent speaker.

I have noticed in watching others’ careers too, that the ability to share your ideas in a compelling way is one of the key enablers for people to stand out, get promoted, get their projects supported, and to be effective leaders in general. Read More

The key to be more impressive…Stop trying

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

How to get unstuck on any problem

I often share an idea that if you are feeling stuck, or down, or distracted and can’t seem to get into motion and make progress, try to move something (anything) small forward.

The feeling of moving forward creates positive momentum that you can then build on. Read More

4 keys to making a good impression

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

Is the way you communicate holding you back?

You only get one chance

We’ve been talking a lot about Executive Communications and Executive Presence in my Executive Mentoring Group in the past few months.

When I talk about communicating with executives, I always say that you only get one chance. Read More

8 ways to test if your executive communications are executive enough


Are you coming across at the right level?

Becoming proficient at executive communications is critical for every mid-level manager.

Many leaders are very comfortable communicating downward or with peers, but when it comes to talking with top executives they are not able to hit the right tone — it’s a very different thing. Read More

Where school taught us the wrong thing for business


School: Make sure it’s long enough

I remember in grade school getting an assignment to do a “report” on a topic or a book. Part of the assignment was always the length.

“Make sure it’s two pages single spaced”. Read More

The Best Outline For An Executive Presentation

outline for presetation

What is the best approach?

“What is the most effective format for a compelling, persuasive presentation to executives?”

This question came up during my last Coaching Hour for members of Azzarello Group, and as we talked about it, I thought it was worth sharing on the blog. Read More

Stop trying to be impressive

A good rule of thumb is that you are never more impressive when you are trying to be impressive!

Trying too hard to be impressive is one of the worst things you can do when you are trying to build credibility, get support, or get things done. Read More