The key to be more impressive…Stop trying

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

10 Ways to Make Employees Feel Important

A Note on Good vs. Bad Leaders

I don’t think it’s any secret that I believe good leaders bring a sense of humanity into the workplace. In fact this was the topic of my TEDx talk. Read More

Move Audiobook & Chance to get 1-1 Coaching Session With Me

MOVE Audiobook

I am thrilled to announce that MOVE is finally available for preorder on Audible.

In celebration of the release, I am offering a chance to win a 1-1 coaching session with me for pre-ordering your copy. Read More

Remote working: How not to lose the in-person benefit

When everyone is working remotely

Suddenly, like it or not, we have all been thrown into remote working.

And there is a natural concern that we will not be as effective.

One of the big aha’s for me about remote working that I learned over the past several years, is that…

You don’t have to give up on quality, motivation, productivity, and team-y-ness, just because you are not in the same room.

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How camera-ready do you need to be?

I did a webinar earlier this week on Remote Working Strategies. There’s a link below if you are interested in the replay.

In that webinar I shared this picture above showing me in 3 different stages of camera ready or not. Read More

Bullying is never about YOU. It’s always about THEM

Bullies and Sabotage

Sadly the workplace is scattered with bullies. You need to have a plan so you do not get caught in a defensive or reactive position, which can add risk to your career.

I learned this lesson over an over again in my own career when I was made to feel unwelcome, or like I didn’t fit or shouldn’t be there, or when people whispered that I was getting promoted because reasons “other than my performance”. Read More

The Funniest Passage in my book MOVE

It’s a wrap!

I was in Los Angeles last week to record the audiobook version of MOVE.

I was locked in this sound booth and this was my view for the 3+ days it took.

Out a small window I could see the brilliant sound engineer/director Ben. Read More

The Cost of Further Study

Analysis vs. Action

When I work with teams on executing strategy, there often comes a point where there is big idea on the table, and everyone seems to agree that it is the right idea, but they seem hesitant to commit to it. Read More

How to get unstuck on any problem

I often share an idea that if you are feeling stuck, or down, or distracted and can’t seem to get into motion and make progress, try to move something (anything) small forward.

The feeling of moving forward creates positive momentum that you can then build on. Read More

4 keys to making a good impression

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More