What exactly is Executive Presence?

People often ask me about the term Executive Presence. What is it? Does everyone need it? Or do you need it only if you are an executive? What if you are not an executive? Is it something different then? Read More

Move Audiobook & Chance to get 1-1 Coaching Session With Me

MOVE Audiobook

I am thrilled to announce that MOVE is finally available for preorder on Audible.

In celebration of the release, I am offering a chance to win a 1-1 coaching session with me for pre-ordering your copy. Read More

Remote working: How not to lose the in-person benefit

When everyone is working remotely

Suddenly, like it or not, we have all been thrown into remote working.

And there is a natural concern that we will not be as effective.

One of the big aha’s for me about remote working that I learned over the past several years, is that…

You don’t have to give up on quality, motivation, productivity, and team-y-ness, just because you are not in the same room.

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Eliminating the Distance in Virtual Teams

Don’t Give up on Presence

Don’t give up on Presence

As I discussed in the video above, as leaders we need to always be thinking about how to engage and motivate our teams.

And the idea I want to talk about today is an important one because so many of us operate in geographically dispersed teams…

Just because you can’t be in the same room, doesn’t mean you can’t be present.

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