How not to talk too much when you are nervous

You can actually get these “stop talking” cards here.

Yes or NO?

Earlier in my career, when I was faced with a scary executive and I got nervous, I would find myself talking way too much. Read More

The difference between politics and communicating

“I don’t do politics”

Many people over the years have told me something like, “I refuse to engage in politics”, and they give this as a reason why their career has stalled.

They consider “politics” a necessary evil to advance in one’s career, but refuse to engage asserting that their “no politics” position is on the high ground, so they are sticking with it. Read More

Personal Brand 101

This month’s Professional Development webinar was on the topic of Personal Brand 101.

If you missed it you can download the recording.

Members of Azzarello group can download this webinar for free.

Personal Brand 101

You already have a Personal Brand

“We are what we repeatedly do.

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Stop trying to be impressive

A good rule of thumb is that you are never more impressive when you are trying to be impressive!

Trying too hard to be impressive is one of the worst things you can do when you are trying to build credibility, get support, or get things done. Read More

Executive Presence


Why it Matters

This month’s webinar on executive presence drew record breaking participation.

Why are so many people interested in this topic?

Recognition & Respect

People want to be more recognized and respected.

They want access to bigger and better opportunities. Read More

Relevance & Personal Brand: 10 Ideas

This month our member webinar was on
the topic: Relevance & Personal Brand.

You can Download a Podcast of this Session

                           TOP 10 IDEAS

What you do

1. The reality is that you won’t be respected and appreciated automatically.  Read More