Communication vs. Conversation: The Monday MOVE Idea

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Communicating is not Enough

The Monday MOVE Idea: Communication vs. Conversation

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE (Tomorrow!!!), I’m sharing an important idea from the book.

The right measure of communication success is never about how clearly you think you have communicated.

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The Monday MOVE Idea: What do YOU need to move forward?

The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’m sharing an important idea about the book. This week, it’s about YOU. I’d like to help you move something forward that is important to you, whether that’s a business initiative, a team transformation, or your career. Read More

Win a 1-1 Executive Coaching Program with Patty

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: The value of unstructured conversation.

But first…

It’s only two weeks until MOVE is released in Hardcover! Read More

Talk vs. Action: Collectively Admiring the Problem

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Talk vs. Action: Collectively Admiring the Problem.

Big Goals

Think about the really important goals your team talks about all the time. Read More

Trust. There is no Neutral

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Trust — There is no neutral.

Most people are pro-trust.

You don’t see people walking around saying that they don’t think trust is important, or that they think trust is a bad thing. Read More

Stop Having Status Meetings

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Stop Having Status Meetings.

Status meetings are almost a form of anti-communication

They do not foster a healthy sharing of knowledge, ideas and risks. Read More

Everything is impossible and everyone is a shark

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Everything is impossible and everyone is shark.

Leadership is supposed to be hard

There will be times when you face ugly challenges and personal attacks. Read More

Long term goals are hard for humans

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The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Long Term Goals are Hard for Humans

Think of your strategy like your New Years resolution

Oh, wait…that’s the problem! Read More

Make People feel like Super-heroes: MondayMOVE Idea

superhero move

The Monday MOVE Idea

Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I’ll be sharing an important idea from the book. This week: Make People Feel Like Super Heroes

“Patty, When I worked for you, I thought I was Superman.” Read More