Am I Productive Enough? (spoiler alert, don’t worry about it so much)


Feeling Discouraged, Stuck, Lazy?

While we are all at home, there are lots of new kinds of pressures we face about doing it right. What should we be doing with our days?

How do we be productive, take care of kids, home schooling, remote working? Read More

Bullying is never about YOU. It’s always about THEM

Bullies and Sabotage

Sadly the workplace is scattered with bullies. You need to have a plan so you do not get caught in a defensive or reactive position, which can add risk to your career.

I learned this lesson over an over again in my own career when I was made to feel unwelcome, or like I didn’t fit or shouldn’t be there, or when people whispered that I was getting promoted because reasons “other than my performance”. Read More

How to get unstuck on any problem

I often share an idea that if you are feeling stuck, or down, or distracted and can’t seem to get into motion and make progress, try to move something (anything) small forward.

The feeling of moving forward creates positive momentum that you can then build on. Read More

Do you need a Think Break?

One of the most important things we can all do as business leaders is give ourselves time to think.

Scheduling time to think in your work week (and life in general) is vital to your success and sanity — and your creativity and effectiveness. Read More

4 keys to making a good impression

FIRST, Stop trying to be impressive

If you are in a situation where you need to be impressive… a job interview, a sales call, a negotiation, a presentation — one of the worst things you can do is to try, on purpose, to be impressive. Read More

I’m Procastinating, Are You?

I was talking to a friend awhile back, and she asked me how things were going. I expressed some anxiety about my workload.

She said, “So, you have a goal to work less?”

As I answered, I began thinking about something that I had lost focus on. Read More

10 Reasons to Think About Your Personal Brand

You already have a personal brand

You have a Personal Brand right now whether you know it or not.

You have a Personal Brand right now whether or not it’s something that you care about.

You have a Personal Brand right now even if you think this idea is stupid. Read More

When someone steals your ideas

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

I was recently in India giving a keynote presentation for a group of women leaders.

One of the questions that came up was, “What do you do when you are the only woman in the room, and you contribute an idea and no one pays attention…

“…then 10 minutes later someone else says the exact same thing, and everyone responds as though it’s brilliant, and he gets credit for the idea?”

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“You’re too nice to be an executive”

Over the past few months, I have been speaking and working with a number of women’s leadership networks and groups.

One of the questions that comes up at virtually every one is this:

“I keep getting told that I am too nice.

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