When to speak up

This is short post this week, but this topic is on my mind because I have had this conversation with so many people over the past month or so.

The dilemma so many people face…

Two kinds of people

There is one kind of person (who is universally disliked) that brags, is always talking, pretends they know it all, doesn’t add value, but acts like they are really important. Read More

Where school steered us wrong

The school “report”

I remember in grade school getting an assignment to do a “report” on a topic or a book. Part of the assignment was always the length.

“Make sure it’s two pages single spaced”.

Kids would struggle to make it long enough, using extra large margins, leaving a big gap under the title, and/or by writing really big. Read More

Punished for being too smart

Being the smartest one in the room is not easy. doghouse250

Really smart people who get to the answer before everyone else get frustrated because:

  • No one wants to listen to you
  • No one gets why you are right
  • Everyone seems to WANT to go slower (and it is infuriating)
  • You resent having to make the effort of “bringing people along”

Good guy or bad guy?

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Executive Presence


Why it Matters

This month’s webinar on executive presence drew record breaking participation.

Why are so many people interested in this topic?

Recognition & Respect

People want to be more recognized and respected.

They want access to bigger and better opportunities. Read More

How to Talk (or sell) to Executives

Talk to an executive

Talking at a higher level


Most companies I work with want to sell higher value deals to higher level executives.

The problem is, their sales force doesn’t know how to talk to executives.


Also, many people I work with are concerned about their executive presence.  Read More