Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: A Conversation with Richard Rumelt

In this month’s Business Leadership webinar I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Richard Rumelt about his book:

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters.

Below are some notes from our discussion.

You can download the Webinar here:


(Downloads are free to members of Azzarello Group)

The Book

First and foremost, get this book! Read More

4 Reasons Executives Fail at Strategy

The problem

Why do so many executives fail when it comes to executing on their strategy?

The problem — their involvement stops with the talking part.

They just expect it “to happen” once they communicate the strategy.

It’s as though they believe that people throughout the organization will suddenly understand what new work they have to do, that resources will be automatically re-assinged without any pain, and individuals will understand how to prioritize new tasks over current work, so it will just get done. Read More

Will Your Strategy Succeed?

Strategic Progress

In this month’s webinar we talked about the critical difference between tactical progress and strategic progress.


Listen or download the webinar to learn more.

Your strategy will only succeed if you execute it.

We talked about 4 common things that block organizations from making strategic progress on their business, and what to do about them:


Read More

Poor performance is contagious

To act or to suffer?

As managers, at some point we all
encounter an employee who frustrates us, and drains the life and energy out of the team.

When you are in this situation with someone, you know it in your heart that
you should act …

…particularly when they really annoy you … but you don’t act right away because you second guess yourself …

and you keep thinking… they really do some things very well… sometimes…


A colleague of mine shared this decision tree with me, and since then life has been easier.  Read More

5 things that block strategic progress

Good General Manager Series

The struggle

All organizations struggle at some point to put their Strategy into Action (Read: actually get done what they say they want to do).

I find that key problems of executing are common in companies of all sizes and industries — but particularly in companies that want to scale. Read More

Why people don't do what you say

What Good General Managers Do series

Your strategy is only good if you execute it

Think of if this way…

Greatness of Strategy = Strategy * Execution

If execution is zero, greatness is zero.

ONCE is not enough…

Simply telling people what is important will cause not the organization to start doing what is important. Read More

Strategic Planning and other Delusions

What Good General Managers Do series

Strategy vs. Numbers

Most strategic planning exercises are doomed from the start by being connected to the annual budget process.

The money always wins.

Strategy is creative. Financial Planning is operational. Strategic and financial planning require different skills, timelines, and different measures of success. Read More

Failure & Motivation: General Managers

What Good General Managers Do

This is third article in my series of What Good General Managers DO.

Aritlces in the series so far:

Listen: Stay Connected to Reality

The Gap Between Committed and Done
Failure & Motivation (today)


Delivering on time

Many organizations struggle to get things done, as promised, on time. Read More