How small habits can lead to big gains

Habits that drive accountability

Many leaders struggle with how to hold people accountable for effective execution. What should you do when someone misses a deadline or a commitment?
What does accountability look like specifically?

One of things that sets organizations with a high capacity for execution apart from those that struggle, is that they pay attention to creating good habits on even on small things. Read More

Did you have the fight yet?

Idea and teamwork concept Vintage bulbs on wall background

Something that has been on my mind recently is that so many executives are reluctant to have real conversations with their organizations. They prefer a “just go do it” type of interaction.

I have written about this here on the blog as well as in my book MOVE and even gave a TEDx talk about the value of unstructured conversation in successfully driving strategy. Read More

How Ruthless Priorities Drive Strategy

Every month I do a webinar on a topic of business leadership
as part of my membership program.

This month’s webinar was on Ruthless Priorities & Strategy.
(Get invited to future webinars)

If you missed it, you can download the podcast! Read More

Safe conversation, dangerous business

Last week in my blog I suggested you stop wasting time having status meetings.

This week I want to extend the conversation suggest you resist the urge to hide in too much complexity and detail.

The reason people and teams fall into this is because complexity can make you feel smart and safe. Read More

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: A Conversation with Richard Rumelt

In this month’s Business Leadership webinar I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Richard Rumelt about his book:

Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters.

Below are some notes from our discussion.

You can download the Webinar here:


(Downloads are free to members of Azzarello Group)

The Book

First and foremost, get this book! Read More

Six Reality Checks

As a leader, it’s your job to deal with high level issues: strategies, abstractions, and financial models.  But if you spend all your time at that level, you can lose touch with reality. 

You get insulated from what is actually happening where the products and the services meet reality — where they meet the humans who build, sell, service, buy and use them. Read More