How do you Invest your time?

New year, same pressures

Well it’s the new year, and the new year often comes with a desire to renew, change or improve something in our work and life.

One of the things I find so interesting (and mostly annoying) is that just because you decide you want do something new or better, the rest of the world does not back off and start behaving in a less challenging, tempting or unreasonable way. Read More

Busy is a choice

busy to important

Through my work, I talk to many people (exeucitves, mid-level managers, and individuals) in many different companies and industries, and the one issue that seems epidemic, is that people are all too busy.

I see three underlying issues that cause people to get and stay too busy. Read More

Corporate Crap: Don’t forget to budget time

Ambitious Intentions

Think about the difference between the work you intend to do as an executive, and how you actually get to spend your time.

I have never met a CEO who was not surprised at how much time they DON’T get to spend running the company. Read More

When you can't get enough resources to deliver what is expected

Precarious Lead; Wall Street, UT

The challenge: Resources are cut AND work is added

This problem has been coming up a lot recently in my coaching hour conference calls, so I wanted to share some advice here.

They way this is often stated is:

“My company has downsized, but now my team has been given the work of other teams that no longer exist.

Read More

Getting from Too-busy to Important

busy to important

Busy is a choice

Through my work, I talk to many people (exeucitves, mid-level managers, and individuals) at many different companies, and the one issue that seems epidemic is that people are all too busy.

I’ve done webinars on Negotiating your Workload, and Ruthless Priorities & Guilt to help people take more control over their time, but today I want to talk about how to change your mindset around how you choose to use your time. Read More

Negotiating Ruthless Priorities

negotiating ruthless priorities
Ruthless Priorities, which I often talk about as a concept, is a wonderful way to focus your time and energy, but perhaps even more important and valuable, are the conversations that having clear Ruthless Priorities allow.

Let’s face it – just because you decide to think and work more strategically, doesn’t mean the rest of the world will back off and let you! Read More

How well do you invest your time?

What is time management?

Somebody recently asked me, “what do you mean by time management”?

My answer is this:

Time management is refusing to waste too much time on low-value, low-enjoyment activities.

There are two parts to it:

1. Identify what you should, or want to be doing
2. Read More

Do one thing differently this year

Happy New Year everyone!

Too busy

I told this story in a recent member call…

It was when I got my first real executive job. I was reporting directly to the GM of a billion dollar business.

I had multiple levels of management in my organization and I had global responsibility. Read More

Negotiating Your Workload

The Webinar:

This month’s Business Leaders’ webinar was on

Negotiating Your Workload

If you missed it you can 
Download the Podcast
Download whole Webinar
(which includes the presentation, and useful worksheets and templates.)
(more information below)

Here is what we talked about:

Negotiating your workload is NOT About: Complaining, not doing what your boss asks, or thinking you can avoid all 24×7 demands. Read More