Do one thing differently this year

Happy New Year everyone!

Too busy

I told this story in a recent member call…

It was when I got my first real executive job. I was reporting directly to the GM of a billion dollar business.

I had multiple levels of management in my organization and I had global responsibility. Read More

The Answers…

Confused and stuck

When I was in college studying electronic engineering I did OK in most of the classes, but some were truly baffling.

There was one class in particular where I really struggled.

I sat through all the lectures, copied down all the equations that the teacher wrote on the board and took copious notes about what he was saying – to no avail…

My study partner/friend and I would spend hours on end slogging through the homework questions in the textbook trying to learn the material. Read More

Saying NO to your boss

saying NO to your boss

What should you do when your boss keeps asking for things?

What should you do when demands pile up so high that you and your team are constantly over-booked and the work just keeps coming?

I always talk about how you need to rise above the tactical workload and be more strategic — but what do you do when it’s your boss that is causing the problem? Read More

Make More Time.

If you had 20 percent more time magically appear in
your work week — a full uncommitted, unscheduled
work day, every week — what would you do with it?

Would you do more email? Would you go to more meetings? Would you do even more of what you are already doing? Read More