A simple question…
One time when I was running a large corporate organization, I asked the financial analyst in the business, “What is the current headcount in my organization?”
He said, “How accurate an answer do you need?” Read More
One time when I was running a large corporate organization, I asked the financial analyst in the business, “What is the current headcount in my organization?”
He said, “How accurate an answer do you need?” Read More
Last week in my blog, I wrote about increasing productivity by engaging people’s humanity by Starting with Laughter. This was the most quoted snippet:
Read MoreIf you respect people’s humanity and give them a chance to warm up and situate themselves in the context of what is happening, you are far more likely to build trust, get buy-in, and get people ready to do the hard work.
Well it’s the new year, and the new year often comes with a desire to renew, change or improve something in our work and life.
One of the things I find so interesting (and mostly annoying) is that just because you decide you want do something new or better, the rest of the world does not back off and start behaving in a less challenging, tempting or unreasonable way. Read More
Through my work, I talk to many people (exeucitves, mid-level managers, and individuals) in many different companies and industries, and the one issue that seems epidemic, is that people are all too busy.
I see three underlying issues that cause people to get and stay too busy. Read More
Think about the difference between the work you intend to do as an executive, and how you actually get to spend your time.
I have never met a CEO who was not surprised at how much time they DON’T get to spend running the company. Read More
“How should I deal with having more than just one boss, when all of them have unreasonable expectations? I serve multiple masters and they all act like their work is the only thing that I should be working on.” Read More
Through my work, I talk to many people (exeucitves, mid-level managers, and individuals) at many different companies, and the one issue that seems epidemic is that people are all too busy.
I’ve done webinars on Negotiating your Workload, and Ruthless Priorities & Guilt to help people take more control over their time, but today I want to talk about how to change your mindset around how you choose to use your time. Read More
This month’s webinar was on the topic of Using Time Better
If you missed it, you can download the recording.
It’s easy to blame others for making us too busy, but the first step is to face up to the fact that we alone, are the resource of our own time. Read More
This was a lesson I learned in my corporate career, and have carried through to my entrepreneurial career.
When you think of an org chart, people usually think about it as a way to visually organize people. Read More
In getting ready for this month’s webinar on Managing Your Own Performance, I recalled a small epiphany I had many years ago: Time management is the key to happiness.
What I mean by this is simply that:
I have way more fun, when I make time on purpose to have fun. Read More