Executive Presence and Confidence

This month’s Professional Development webinar was on the topic of Executive Presence and Confidence.


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Members of Azzarello group can download this webinar for free.

How you show up as a leader matters!

Executive Presence is an important factor in success. The good news is that anyone can develop it. It does not depend on personality type, level of humility, or require a particular physical appearance.

In this webinar I shared insights and practical ideas for how anyone can improve their executive presence and build their confidence.

This is a very useful webinar to download if you want to:

  • Build a stronger and more credible reputation
  • Deal with fear and that negative inner voice telling us we are not good enough
  • Improve your self confidence in particular, challenging situations
  • Compete for a bigger, executive level job
  • Become more recognized and respected for your efforts
  • Have more influence with key audiences

Good work is not enough!

Sure, it’s fair to think that the only thing that matters is delivering good work, but that’s not the way the world works.

How you show up as a leader is as important as what you deliver. Standing out requires that you own your successes and share your value with others.

In this webinar we talked about how to develop your executive presence in a practical, effective way that is authentic to you.

Increasing your confidence and presence

This webinar covers:

  • Why Executive Presence matters
  • The 4 critical aspects of Executive Presence
  • Dealing with fear, self-doubt and imposter syndrome
  • Developing your executive presence with key audiences

It matters

I talked about the importance of building trust and credibility, because people with high credibility get more done. That is really what this topic of Executive Presence is really about.

To get access to the resources, support, opportunities and network that you need to be successful, it requires that you invest in building your credibility on purpose.

4 Critical Aspects of Executive Presence

There are 4 key building blocks to develop strong, authentic and effective presence:

  1. How you Feel
  2. How you Look
  3. How you Behave
  4. How you deal with being Overwhelmed

In this webinar I shared insights about each of these topics and gave practical, doable ideas to implement each one in the most effective way to build Executive Presence.

Imposter Syndrome and Fear

At some point in our career, all of us feel like an imposter. We feel that we are not qualified to have this job and that we are going to get caught at some point.

It’s really helpful to understand that everyone feels this type fear. Everyone. It’s that annoying inner voice who is always ready to tell you that you are not good enough.

I shared some ideas for how to move forward when that voice inside your head is telling you that you can’t or shouldn’t, or that you don’t deserve it, or that you are not ready…

It’s OK to practice and prepare

It’s also important to realize that there is alway a chance to become better at having a strong personal presence.

I, myself, started out in the beginning of my career very shy and very awkward. Meetings with important people scared me. I didn’t know how to act.

I was told even as an executive that I did not have enough executive presence to go for a bigger executive job that I was interested in.

So I prepared and I practiced…

Don’t feel that if you do not have a strong executive presence today, that it impossible to achieve. Don’t think that people who do have a strong executive presence, have always been that way.

In the webinar I included worksheets to help you plan and prepare and practice for specific situations that make you feel uncomfortable, so you can keep your executive presence intact even in the most challenging situations.

Never be overwhelmed in public

Finally, one of the biggest killers of executive presence is to appear overwhelmed, rushed, stressed, or buried with work. Non of these thing shout, “executive in control”.

In the webinar I shared some ideas for what to do when you are indeed overwhelmed, and how to maintain or even build your credibility and presence while you deal with it.

Want some help?

To get some help with this and learn the specific ideas and techniques that we talked about, download the webinar: Executive Presence and Confidence, now.

Members: Download the webinar for free.
Non Members: You can purchase this individual webinar or podcast (links below).

There are some other really useful webinars in the Member Library related to this topic.

Members get these additional webinars for free:

So if you are not yet a member, you might as well join and get them all for free!

Let me be your mentor

Members of Azzarello Group basically get me as their mentor.

Every month you get new insights and tools in the form of these webinars, as well as the chance to call into a monthly members-only coaching hour where you can get direct personal coaching from me.

People tell me that membership gives them a totally new way of thinking about their career, getting promotions, solving difficult problems with bosses, peers, employees, and other annoying people, communicating better, being more influential, becoming a stronger leader, and enjoying their work more. I love to hear this, and I love to help!

If you join now, you’ll not only get this webinar, but all the other webinars in the Member Library.

AND you’ll get the opportunity to participate in monthly Coaching Hour conference calls with me.
Check out what we talk about.

AND as a member you’ll get to download your copy of the Career Year of action Guide (a $30 value) for free.

Membership is a great resource (and a steal at $179 for a whole year) to help you advance your career.

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Other Options:

Purchase just this webinar ($19.99)
Purchase just this podcast ($9.99)


patty blog image
Patty Azzarello is an executive, best-selling author, speaker and CEO/Business Advisor.
She became the youngest general manager at HP at the age of 33, ran a billion dollar software business at 35 and became a CEO for the first time at 38 (all without turning into a self-centered, miserable jerk)

You can find Patty at www.AzzarelloGroup.com, follow her on twitter or Facebook, or read her book RISE…3 Practical Steps for Advancing Your Career, Standing Out as a Leader, AND Liking Your Life.


Free eBook Download

You can find Patty at www.AzzarelloGroup.com, follow her on twitter or Facebook, or read her books RISE and MOVE.

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