Top 10 ideas & resources this year

Top 10 Resources


Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for your business and interest over 2010.

In case you missed anything, I’ve collected all the big ideas, news and valuable resources from Azzarello Group right here for you.

1. Director’s University

This year I expanded my work with companies to include a specific program to help their director-level managers understand how to step up, lead, and succeed at this very challenging level in the company.

When a manager gets promoted to director, their world changes. The job is completely different. If you give your Directors extra support in this transition, you’ll have them thinking strategically, adding more value to the business, and building capable teams beneath them — the transformational things you need them to do.

2. Business Execution

In my corporate work, I’ve increased my focus on helping management teams get their persistent execution problems solved once and for all…

What is that really strategic thing that you must do or change? Is it the same one as last year?

Most teams get the end goal and the project kick off well defined — it’s just that long part in the middle that’s tricky!

The answer lies in getting everyone really clear about what needs to get done each month over 12-18 months, and measuring the right things along the way so you can tell if you are making progress. Then you need to get the whole organization to understand what’s at stake, to personally care, to break old habits, and to be motivated and ready to change.

3. 100 Things Good General Managers Know

This blog post on “100 Things” got such great feedback and huge traction online this year, so I created a free downloadable pdf to make it easy to reference.

4. Leading Change

Growing a business is all about leading change. Change fails because people are too busy to do new things.

I have published a free report on how to successfully lead change, and break through the current habits and overwhelming activities that use up all your time and energy, keeping you stuck and too busy to scale.

5. Speaking

My speaking practice this year took me to several Professional Conferences, User Group Meetings, Advisory Boards, Customer Events, and Networking Groups.

The topics that got the most interest in 2010 were about leading change, building professional credibility, and increasing your effectiveness and satisfaction at work and life.

6. DO Better, LOOK Better, CONNECT Better

My model for success continues to weave through all my work and is the organizing framework for my new book.

DO Better: Have More Impact. Learn the vital difference between working hard and succeeding. Deal with frustrating obstacles and stupid people.

LOOK Better: Be Visible but not annoying. Build your credibility with the people who can help (or blacklist you).

CONNECT Better: Develop your network without being political. Get on “The List” of people who get the best opportunities.

You can  subscribe to my blog and participate in monthly webinars on these topics for free by signing up here.

7. Membership

The membership program allows me to provide personal leadership support to help people achieve significant gains in their business and career success.

Several members this year have achieved the breakthroughs they were targeting — getting promotions, achieving stretch business goals, and getting more recognition and better jobs. Congratulations! I look forward to more stories in 2011, and I love to help!

8. Career Year of Action Guide

You may have noticed from my blog and my webinars that I suggest doing many things on purpose to increase your effectiveness, success, career-value, and satisfaction — but if you tried to do them all at once you’d never survive!

The Career Year of Action Guide stages it all out for you. It helps you make the time to focus on the specific, necessary things you need to do to DO Better, LOOK Better, and CONNECT Better, on a step-by-step, month-by-month basis to build your personal plan for greater success.

9. My New Book

RISE…How to Be Really Successful at Work AND Like your Life was published this month. It’s available now to friends of Azzarello Group on Amazon in hard copy and Kindle. It will be launched to the general public on Jan 4th.

10. Can I get your help?

Starting in January, we will begin the official book launch for RISE.

I wrote this book to help talented people avoid wasting time an energy, and to reach their full potential.

I want every manager and every high-potential employee to have access to the insights and practical strategies I put in this book.

I hope you will help me spread the word, and get this book into the hands of people whose career you care about.

I’ll be suggesting ways you can help as we begin the launch in a couple of weeks.

You can start now by liking the RISE book page on Facebook.

Thank You!

What’s Next?

Please keep your ideas and feedback coming. What would you like to see from Azzarello Group in 2011?

Please leave your ideas in the comment box below!

You can find Patty at, follow her on twitter or Facebook, or read her books RISE and MOVE.

My New Book! RISE...(and a short video)
Thank You