It’s ugly out there…And I want to help.
So I have decided to make
membership FREE for you into 2009.
fee model as of January 1.)
Career Insurance & Opportunities
Membership topics next year will help you:
- Build and preserve your value to your company
- Strengthen your Personal Brand value, and
- Grow your opportunity base for your business and career.
Members get access to:
- Monthly Webinars
- Monthly live coaching time with me
- Podcasts of the monthly member calls
- Transcripts of the member calls and live discussion sessions
- Articles and more.
If you are not already a member you can join here for free.
1. Browse the Archive
Is there anything you missed this year?
2. Download Podcasts
All the member webinars are available as podcasts.
Here’s what the membership topics were this year: Download away!
Authentic Networking Making Room
Investing in Strengths Your Personal Brand
Ruthless Priorities What really matters to You
Building Your Credibility Leading vs. Managing
Networking vs. Politics Making time & Energy
Managing Your Boss
3. Tell your friends
One of my favorite comments I got from a member was that Azzarello Group is my secret place I go to get tips how to operate. I share the site with my friends, but not my peers.
If you know someone who would benefit from having another career advantage in their toolkit, (who you are willing to share the secret with!) please forward this to them, and encourage them to look around and join. Membership will be free to them as well.
And I’d really appreciate the referral.
4. Sign up for January’s webinar on Increasing Your Value.
I am very excited about this one, as we will be joined by Jack Mollen, EVP or HR for EMC on the topic of Increasing Your Value to your Company, sharing an “insiders view” of how companies are assessing their workforce and what you can do.
You can register for this webinar now, right here.
5. Give me feedback
I want to make membership even more valuable.
If you have any thoughts, questions, or topics you would like to see covered next year, please leave your comments below or email me.
One of my personal brand values is “useful” so I am always striving to make the topics as relevant and useful as possible:
- What have you valued the most?
- What would you like to see next?
- Have I annoyed you?
The “Group” in Azzarello Group
As we conclude 2008, it’s hard not to think about the big challenges we face next year, personally and professionally, in this remarkably ugly economy. But there are bright spots to be found and things you can do to stack the deck in your favor.
I look forward to working with you, sharing my experience and insights, and connecting you with other really smart people who I admire and learn from, as well as each other.
I hope Azzarello Group membership gives you a place to go when you have real questions, and a significant advantage as you build your career!
Thank you to our long time members!
If you’re not already a member, you can join for free here.
Subscribe here for email or RSS updates.