This month’s webinar was on the topic of Be more Visible, but not Annoying.
If you missed it, you can download the podcast!
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This is a very useful webinar to download if you want to:
- Understand why you are getting passed over
- Waste less time defending your decisions and have more impact
- Learn how to create highly relevant and useful communications
- Get more recognition and respect for yourself and your team, but…
- …Stay on the high ground and not be seen as annoying or political
Credibility is vital to your success
Good work does not stand on its own.
If you think that is wrong or unfair, your probably right. But that’s still the way it is.
People are too busy to take the time to understand and admire your hard work. You need to deliver excellent results, but then also find a way to make them visible.
Visibility is not about being political, self-serving, or lacking humility. It’s about being effective and building credibility. And you can’t be credible if you are invisible.
People with high personal and professional credibility get more done. They get more resources. They can help their teams more. They are trusted.
If you take the time to build your credibility, you will find that you can get your more done better and faster.
How Not to be Annoying
Being invisible doesn’t work, but being annoying doesn’t work either!
We all know those people who are great at schmoozing with executives, but are not very good at delivering results.
Many people are uncomfortable doing things to make their work visible, because they are afraid they will turn into one of those people.
I promise you, you will not!
As long as you base your visibility on excellent work, you will never be annoying, and you will never turn into one of those political, shallow, self serving people — because THEY are not standing on results — YOU are.
In the webinar we talked about 3 specific, sure-fire ways to guarantee that you will never be annoying.
With each of these techniques you can you add genuine value and know that what you are communicating is useful for others.
Be the Obvious Choice
If you want to be recognized as a candidate for a position or a promotion, you can’t just raise your hand and say “I’m interested”. The way to get that job is to be seen as the obvious choice by the decision makers.
In the webinar we talked about what makes a person the obvious choice, and how to put yourself in that light.
You need to be seen doing the job before you go for it, and you need to have people talking about you in that job.
We covered specific ideas and techniques to make that happen. If you want to advance your career. YOU need to advance your career.
What the webinar covers
This webinar covers how to manage a big career risk: Your visibility and credibility.
We talked about:
- How to increase your visibility in an authentic, non-political way
- 3 types of communications that build credibility and are not annoying
- Specific types of work and actions that build credibility and business value
- What top executives and customers notice about people who become the “obvious choice”
The worksheets included in this webinar are:
- Plan your knowledge sharing
- Plan your knowledge seeking, and getting feedback
- Stakeholder Translation template
- Impact Report template
Get the webinar now
Free Download
If you are a member of Azzarello Group, you can download the webinar for free.
If you are not a member, you can: purchase this webinar,
or you can become a member and get the webinar for free..
If you are tempted to purchase this webinar, that’s great.
But you might want to consider getting a membership to Azzarello Group — it’s a much better deal.
With a membership, for just $179 for a whole year, you can get access to everything in the member library.
Get a 25% Discount on Membership – This week only!
And right now you can get a 25% discount on membership. Use code STANDOUT25 at checkout.
As a member, just around this topic alone, you can also get additional webinars for free on:
- Personal Brand Tune-up
- Marketing & Positioning Yourself
- Professional Networking & Mentors
- Managing Your Boss
- Executive Presence
- Standing Out
So you might as well join and get them all for free!
Additional benefits for members
Take a look through the Member Library and see all the other great webinars and resources you get too.
Plus, as a member, you get live coaching from me in monthly Coaching Hour conference calls where you can ask your own questions.
Membership a great resource (and a steal at $179 for a whole year) to help you advance your career.
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Other Options:
Purchase only this webinar with the interview and Q&A podcasts
Purchase just the interview podcast
Patty Azzarello is an executive, best-selling author, speaker and CEO/Business Advisor.
She became the youngest general manager at HP at the age of 33, ran a billion dollar software business at 35 and became a CEO for the first time at 38 (all without turning into a self-centered, miserable jerk)
You can find Patty at, follow her on twitter or facebook, or read her book RISE…3 Practical Steps for Advancing Your Career, Standing Out as a Leader, AND Liking Your Life.