Download the PODCAST to learn:
Your job as change leader
1. Change is not just for big, special occasions. You always need to think about leading change even when it is not forced upon you. Leading change is key to getting important things done, and to build capability in your team over time — otherwise you are standing still.
2. Change is not complete after the planning and the announcement. The hard part is making it stick. We talked through 6 hazards to successful change. What problems arise? What leadership approaches are required to overcome them them to create new expectations, behaviors and habits?
Six Hazards to Successful Change
3. Lack of Concreteness – Big Goals may feel good and sound exciting but leave staff wondering what to do exactly… We talked about how break down big goals into clear, tangible action plans.
4. Lack of Real Agreement – Sometimes it’s passive aggressive, sometimes it’s outright dissent, but more often everyone “agrees” with good intentions. The problem is that they just don’t realize that everyone has a different impression of what was agreed to. Action breaks down.
5. Hard to Stop what you are currently doing. The gravity and momentum of the current workload is very strong. We talked about how to motivate action on new priorities to help break free of the status quo, and start progressing on the new stuff.
6. Having the guts to stick with it. What do you do when urgent requests come in, maybe even from your boss, that throw your strategic agenda off course? How do you respond? This is probably the most challenging aspect of all.
7. Inconsistent Communication. The default is that people think you are not serious… Just wait it out, this change will go away. You need to communicate a lot about the new behaviors you expect. We talked about the difference between communication and socialization of ideas to make them stick.
8. People are not capable. If you are raising the bar, not everyone may be able to clear it. We talked about how to assess your team relative to the change and have a fair and clear plan to deal with people who do not make the cut.
Clarity invites conflict
9. A theme throughout the session was the importance of clarity. Many change agendas fail because clarity opens the door to conflict. So people who are not comfortable with conflict avoid it by keeping expectations and measures fuzzy. Fuzzy prevents change from sticking, because you can’t measure and enforce anything specific.
Worksheets and Templates
10. The Leading Change Worksheets for this session include tools for:
- Actions: Breaking down big goals into clear measurable tasks
- Roles: Defining behaviors and expectations for new roles
- Communication: My magic timeline tool, to make sure change sticks.
How YOU can Lead Change More Effectively
- Download the PODCAST for details on what to do and how to do it.
- Download the WORKSHEETS to plan your specific actions and communications.
- Download the Career Year of Action Guide to help you use your time better.
Give yourself the time to do what is necessary beyond your job description to be successful.
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