Permission and Imagination


If you want to advance in your career you
have to give yourself permission to not
KNOW everything and not DO everything.

And you need the imagination to do
more of what the business requires than
your job entails.

As I have been preparing for our next
monthly webinar on Avoiding Career Hazards,
I stepped back to think about what really
holds people back in their careers. Read More

What Really Matters to You?

Many people feel unfulfilled in their work. 

They have the constant, nagging sense that they would
like to be, or should be, doing something different.

There are many different reasons people feel stuck:

  • They don’t know what they should “be when they
    grow up”
  • They like their job, but think they should be more successful, accomplishing or earning more
  • They hate their job, but can’t walk away from the paycheck
  • They know what they really want to be doing but it won’t bring in enough money

You can make a big improvement in your success and fulfillment by focusing in a very
purposeful way on what you are naturally good at and most enjoy doing — and then
incorporating those things into your work. Read More