Personal Brand

More Energy. Less Stress.

Working from home, it's easy to fill up every moment of your day doing something for everyone except yourself. This…

3 years ago

Standing out while working remotely

I am noticing something interesting in the pandemic about communicating. There is great disparity between how various people show up…

3 years ago

Selling Your Ideas: Have More Influence

This month the topic in my Executive Mentoring Group is: Selling Your ideas. In my own career, as well as…

3 years ago

Becoming a more compelling speaker

Reflecting on my own career, it struck me what an advantage it was that I was a willing and decent…

3 years ago

Confidence and Resilience

This month the topic in my Executive Mentoring Group is: Confidence and Resilience. I'll tell you, this was a key…

3 years ago

How not to talk too much when you are nervous

You can actually get these "stop talking" cards here. Yes or NO? Earlier in my career, when I was faced…

3 years ago

The difference between politics and communicating

"I don't do politics" Many people over the years have told me something like, "I refuse to engage in politics",…

3 years ago

Don’t try to DO all the work

Happy New Year everyone, such as it is so far. I thought this might be a good time to revisit…

3 years ago

The first 30 days (Starting a job remotely)

Starting in a New Role... A question that frequently comes up in my Executive Mentoring Group is, "I'm starting a…

4 years ago

What exactly is Executive Presence?

People often ask me about the term Executive Presence. What is it? Does everyone need it? Or do you need…

4 years ago