Patty is a person with true enthusiasm, drive, talents and skills and she shares her experiences about what it’s really like to get and succeed in a senior level positions.
This program gives me the “handle” to focus on where I should be going and to organize my thoughts and actions to get there.
I could not imagine a better career investment than learning from Patty’s executive experiences.
Through Patty’s insight and her clear assessment of what works and what doesn’t in advancing one’s career — anyone in a management role striving for more can put her lessons, tools, and techniques to good use to achieve better results.
I can't thank you enough - your coaching, classes, weekly call-ins, books, etc helped us all as we started small and grew. Each of us - me especially - grew individually and as a team with a lot of the framework and teaching you provided.
"The webinar on Wednesday was one of the most beneficial things I’ve done in a long time - thank you for that! Everything was so relevant to me and completely relevant to what I do each day."
Patty made me much more aware of how to position my career for growth.
I will tell people that that I have been given tools that will improve my life by improving my career.
I get some of the most practical career management tools that I have seen to date.
This program gave me the tools to craft a plan to begin managing my care more purposefully.
Amazing! A plethora of valuable insights and actionable lessons.
This has completely re-energized me in my career thinking!
This is the most actionalble career advice ever!
I received the box of tools I need to take my career success as far as I want.
This program helps you understand how to build success that is authentic to you.
I get a chance to hear secrets of success straignt from a CEO that I could apply to my own personal career.
Many people talk about career advancement, but it’s not always clear. Patty makes it very real.
I was inspired to take control of my career and given tools to do it!
I finally got the tools to work on myself and my career. I had been wanting to do it for a long time, but I didn’t know where to start. The way this program is organized makes the stpes much clearer and actionable.