Managing Your Career: 10 Ideas




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Do more than your job description

1. You have more control than you think. But f you want to be building your career and not just doing work, you need to use time differently, and schedule some additional thinking and planning time every month.

Use the Career Year of Action Guide to keep yourself on track.

Necessary Actions

2. Have a desired outcome. Even if you don’t know what you want, you need to set a target so you can tell if you are making progress or wasting time at any point in time. Without an outcome in mind it’s easy to get stuck.

3. Focus on what you are good at. Your current job description is not a life sentence. It is a contract with your company. You need to take ownership to re-negotiate that contract, to put yourself in a position of strength.

4. Always be building stories. Make notes of your accomplishments and understand what important stories they tell.  Build a stock of your best stories, so you don’t forget them, or fail to later describe your work in a way that matters.

5. Make your own experience. Your current job will not provide the experience you need for your target job. It is up to you to get experience in that job and practice that job before you get it.

6. Become known in the role you want. If the powers that be don’t associate you with the kind of role you want, you wont get there. Do the necessary things to fill the gaps, build support and communicate.

7. Network before you need anything.
You need to stay present and relevant with your network if you want to use it to help you advance or move. Give generously to your network before you need to ask for help.

8. Don’t get stuck in the weeds.
The most successful people were not the ones who were less busy along the way. Use your time strategically. Rise above the details and tactics. Get the right stuff done.

9. Be willing to LEAP and be scared. If you want to get ahead, you need to step up, go for things, and trust yourself to learn along the way and build a team to support your weak areas. If you are terrified, you are doing it right.

A good thing

10. Managing your career is not a selfish or harmful activity. The more you are in control, the stronger, and more strategic you are, the more you can help your team,  and add value to your company.  The more satisfied you are in your work, the more effective you will be.



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I have learned over the years that there are specific things you can do that make all the difference between getting ahead and just working really hard.

The “Secrets”

There is no reason why the “unspoken rules of success” need to be secret.  It’s just that most people don’t bother to talk about them.

So I do!  — in my membership program. As a member you get key insights, practical tools you can use right now, and live personal coaching from me.  (I had lots of help.) So now I share.

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  • manage a conversation with your boss better
  • get bigger results out of your team
  • increase your value to your company
  • find more meaning in your work
  • make more time in your life
  • reduce your frustration
  • or get access to a promotion

the return on $179 would be huge.  And I know you’ll get more than one idea.

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Responsive or Reactive?
Executive Presence
Patty Azzarello

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