Fear and Confidence

6 key choices for success and happiness

Our choices As we start the new year I've been thinking about choices. I realized that there are some simple,…

8 years ago

Scared does NOT mean Not-qualified

Scared is OK, disqualifying yourself is not It's been awhile since I've written about this, and there are so many…

9 years ago

Stepping up to manage former peers…

What has really changed? One day you are working with your peers as colleagues, and the next day you are…

9 years ago

Fear, progress and "The Accidental Expert"

I was recently telling a story about a time in my career when I had an all out panic. I'm…

10 years ago

New is stressful

I want to share two important ideas that I learned from one of my key, long-time mentors, Jim Davis. These…

10 years ago

Bullies and Sabotage

This month’s webinar was on Bullies and Sabotage. If you missed it, you can download the podcast! This is a…

10 years ago

Why I am thankful for my childhood bullies

Bullied as a kid I think many of us have the experience of being a misfit or an outcast as…

10 years ago

When to speak up

This is short post this week, but this topic is on my mind because I have had this conversation with…

11 years ago

Stress, productivity and happiness

I'd like to make an announcement here on the blog, that I, Patty Azzarello, am not productive every single day.…

11 years ago