
What exactly is Executive Presence?

People often ask me about the term Executive Presence. What is it? Does everyone need it? Or do you need…

4 years ago

Remote working: How not to lose the in-person benefit

When everyone is working remotely Suddenly, like it or not, we have all been thrown into remote working. And there…

4 years ago

Bullying is never about YOU. It’s always about THEM

Bullies and Sabotage Sadly the workplace is scattered with bullies. You need to have a plan so you do not…

4 years ago

“You’re too nice to be an executive”

Over the past few months, I have been speaking and working with a number of women's leadership networks and groups.…

6 years ago

Bullies, Narcissists, and Sabotage

Humanity can be a strong force for value and productivity in business. Leaders who embrace humanity can build highly effective,…

7 years ago

The opposite of Asshole is not "Weak Person"

My secret weapon for achieving success I am preparing to deliver a TED talk at the TEDx Navasink Conference on…

7 years ago

Everything is impossible and everyone is a shark

The Monday MOVE Idea Each Monday until the launch of my upcoming book MOVE, I'll be sharing an important idea…

7 years ago

Using Excellence Against Bullying

As I was writing my blog for this week, I was thinking that we are all a bit distracted today.…

7 years ago

What to do when someone is attacking your credibility

Bullies and Saboteurs I think we all have those moments in our careers when we feel vulnerable because there is…

8 years ago